Sign in with phone for secure and seamless access.

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Phone email Admin
Phone Email App

Sign in with phone,sign in with phone number,sign in with phone in php,sign in with phone number in php,secure phone sign in,easy safe login with phone

Streamlining Access: 'Sign in with Phone' authentication

In today's fast-paced world, convenience and security are paramount when it comes to online transactions and interactions. One of the latest innovations in the realm of user authentication is the "Sign in with Phone" feature, which enables users to access merchant websites and dashboards effortlessly using their mobile numbers. This convenient and secure login method streamlines the user experience while ensuring data protection. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of "Sign in with Phone," how it works, and how merchants can implement it on their websites.

Why Choose "Sign in with Phone"?
  1. Convenience at Your Fingertips
    Traditional username and password combinations can be cumbersome to remember and prone to hacking. "Sign in with Phone" simplifies the login process by allowing users to access their accounts using their mobile numbers. With the majority of the global population owning mobile phones, this approach is incredibly user-friendly.
  2. Enhanced Security
    Security is a top priority for both users and merchants. "Sign in with Phone" leverages two-factor authentication (2FA) by sending a verification code via SMS to the user's mobile number. This added layer of security ensures that only the rightful owner of the phone number can access the account, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  3. Reduced Friction
    The "Sign in with Phone" feature reduces friction during the registration process. Users no longer need to create and remember complex passwords. Instead, they can quickly sign in using their mobile number, making the onboarding process smoother and more efficient.
How "Sign in with Phone" Works

Implementing "Sign in with Phone" on your merchant website is straightforward and can be accomplished in a few simple steps.

  1. Get the Phone Email App: To enable the "Sign in with Phone" feature on your website, you'll need to login into Phone Email App. You can find the app on the Google Play Store here. Once you've logged in, you'll get an API key from profile section in app, which you'll need later.
  2. Integrate the Feature: After obtaining the API key, integrate the "Sign in with Phone" feature into your website or dashboard. Use the provided code snippet for the login button, which looks like this:

    Login Button Code Snippet

        style="display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; padding: 10px 15px; background-color: #02BD7E; font-weight: bold; color: #ffffff; border: none; border-radius: 3px; font-size: inherit;cursor:pointer;"
        onclick="'$COUNTRY_CODE&phone_no=$PHONE_NO&redirect_url=$REDIRECT_URL', 'peLoginWindow', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0, width=500, height=500, top=' + (screen.height - 500) / 2 + ', left=' + (screen.width - 500) / 2);"
        style="margin-right: 5px; fill: #ffffff"
        viewBox="0 -960 960 960"
        <path d="M798-120q-125 0-247-54.5T329-329Q229-429 174.5-551T120-798q0-18 12-30t30-12h162q14 0 25 9.5t13 22.5l26 140q2 16-1 27t-11 19l-97 98q20 37 47.5 71.5T387-386q31 31 65 57.5t72 48.5l94-94q9-9 23.5-13.5T670-390l138 28q14 4 23 14.5t9 23.5v162q0 18-12 30t-30 12Z"/>
    Sign in with Phone Number
    When users click on this button, they will be prompted to enter their mobile number.
  3. SMS Verification: Once the user enters their mobile number and submits it, the Phone Email App sends an SMS with a verification code to the provided number. User now need to enter verification code to verify their phone number.
  4. JWT Authentication: After successfully entering the correct verification code, the Phone Email App generates a JSON Web Token (JWT) and provides it to $REDIRECT_URL with a GET parameter (phtoken). This JWT is used to get user's phone number by decoding JWT using your API KEY.
  5. JWT decode snippet

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
    use Firebase\JWT\Key;
        try {
            $api_key = 'API_KEY'; // Please specify API key provided by Phone Email mobile application
            $decoded = JWT::decode($_GET['phtoken'], new Key($api_key, 'HS256'));
            $jwt_response = 1;  // JWT decoded successfully
            $jwt_phone = $decoded->country_code.$decoded->phone_no; // You will get user phone number here from JWT
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $jwt_response = 0; // Invalid JWT
            $jwt_phone = '';
        $jwt_response = 0; // Invalid JWT
        $jwt_phone = '';

  6. User Access: The JWT is verified on the merchant's end to ensure its authenticity. If the JWT is valid, the user is granted access to their account on the merchant's platform.

In conclusion, "Sign in with Phone" is a game-changer in the world of user authentication, offering both convenience and security to users and merchants alike. By integrating this feature into your website or dashboard, you can streamline the login process, enhance security, and improve the overall user experience. Embrace this innovative solution to stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape and offer your users a hassle-free and secure way to access their accounts.

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